WWW Programming Workshop

Patrick Yott pmy2n at virginia.edu
Wed Nov 12 10:38:24 EST 1997

ARL Announces...
...Workshop on Electronic Publishing of Data Sets on the World Wide Web

   The ARL Statistics and Measurement Program will again offer its
popular three-day workshop on publishing and analyzing data sets on the
World Wide Web, January 5-7, 1998, at the University of Virginia. 
For more information about the workshop see:

Purpose and Overview:
This three-day workshop is one in a series of ARL initiatives to provide
essential skills to information professionals who work with numeric data
sets and data analysis.  Numerical databases and quantitative analysis
require knowledge of statistical programming, but the WWW allows users
to manipulate data more easily.  The workshop is intended for
librarians, information professionals, educators, and data producers and
provides hands-on experience in developing interfaces for publishing and
analyzing data sets on the World Wide Web (WWW). 
Workshop participants will be given step-by-step instructions to develop
tools for creating useful interactive sites for social, economic,
demographic, and other data on the Internet.  The curriculum includes
developing HTML pages for datafiles, creating Perl scripts, working with
CGI, and invoking SPSS and other statistical analysis tools to provide
transparent data analysis capabilities for data users. 
Familiarity with either HTML, Perl, and statistical packages is helpful
but not essential.  This workshop is intended to extend the skills of
those with some familiarity with HTML and the Unix operating system. 
Attendance will be limited to 18. 

Workshop Leader:
     Patrick Yott, Coordinator of Social Science Data Services, 
     University of Virginia Libraries

Dates, Times, Fees:
     January 5-7, 1998
     Social Science Data Center
     University of Virginia
     Charlottesville, VA
     $450 (ARL members $400)

Additional Information:
For program information contact Julia Blixrud (jblix at arl.org).
For registration information contact Mary Jane Brooks (maryjane at cni.org).

================REGISTRATION FORM===================
Association of Research Libraries -
Electronic Publishing of Data Sets on the World Wide Web
January 5-7, 1998: University of Virginia

Registration fee:     _____$475
                      _____$400 ARL Members

Payment Method - Prepayment is required, ARL members may be billed
ARL Member____________
Make checks payable to the Association of Research Libraries. Note, ARL
cannot guarantee security of credit card data transmitted via email.
Credit Card #______________________________Exp. date:________________

Mail, email, or fax registration form and payment to:
Association of Research Libraries
Publishing Datasets Workshop
21 Dupont Circle,  NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC  20036
tel (202) 296-2296
fax (202) 872-0884 

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