Seminar on Intranets and Knowledge Management (fwd)

Katie Wilson kwilson at
Mon Nov 3 21:45:35 EST 1997

Seminar on Intranets and Knowledge Management,
sponsored and organised by The Information Science Section, Australian 
Library and Information Association


Date: 13 November 1997, 9.00 - 5pm

Macquarie University, Graduate School of Management,
North Ryde, Sydney, Australia 


8.30 - 9.20	Registration and coffee

9.20 - 9.30	Welcome

9.30 - 10.15 
* Introduction to knowledge management via Intranets & Extranets
Ramin Marzbani
Principal of www.consult

10.15 - 11.00
* Technical considerations:  what you should know when setting up
 Pauline Van Winsen 
Technical Consultant, Uniq Professional Services Pty Ltd 

11.00 - 11.30	Morning tea

11.30 - 1.00
* Case studies presented by experts with hand-on experience in setting
up intranets for their organisations:

Macquarie University's Intranet 
- Peggy Havukainen, Co-ordinator, Web Management, Macquarie University 

A Secondary School's Intranet Experience
- Janette Emmerson
Abbotsleigh School's AbbNet intranet service

Establishing the Corporate Intranet:  an IP's Perspective
 - Leanne Windsor
County NatWest Research Library
(Involved in the establishment of  intranets at the ASX and County

1.00 - 2.15	Lunch

2.15 - 3.00	
*  Using the Intranet to facilitate Knowledge Management within an
organisation:  the experience at BHP Research Libraries 
Sherrey Quinn,
Library Services Coordinator, BHP Research

3.00 - 3.45
*  Human Skills needed to effectively utilize knowledge within an
organisation - the role of the information professional 
Marion Nicolson, 
Managing Director, Library Locums

3.45 - 4.15	Afternoon tea

4.15 - 4.45
* Panel Session - focussing on intranets and knowledge management. 
Bring your questions and challenge the experts!

4.45	Closing remarks

Registration details:

$110 ALIA members, $130 non-members. 

Wael Foda, ACMS, 
tel: +61-2-9332-4622, fax +61-2-9332-4066, 
email: whfoda at

Katie Wilson, Macquarie University Library
tel: +61-2-9850-7509, 
email: kwilson at

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