Web support pages for students

Justin R Ervin jrervin at uncg.edu
Tue Nov 4 10:19:38 EST 1997

> I'm about to write a web page, for students, giving some help/advice 
> on using the internet in their studies,
> which will cover things like what is the internet, how to search it, 
> tips of most effective use in your studies, etc..

Jenny: Though I've not done exactly what you're planning to do, I have put 
together a few resources that are of a similar nature.

"What's this thing called the Word-Wide Web?" is a very basic introduction 
to what the WWW is and how it works; 

I've also put together some course-specific pages for use during BI for a 
couple classes; they don't go into a lot of detail, but they do integrate 
the WWW into the research strategy that I suggest. 

I hope that this helps!
=================Justin R Ervin==================
Computing Support Technician I
Jackson Library Electronic Information Resources, UNCG
jrervin at uncg.edu                 http://www.uncg.edu/~jrervin/

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