Home page naming: index/welcome/home, etc.

Marc Davis davis at revelation.unomaha.edu
Fri May 16 08:43:32 EDT 1997

> This is obviously highly dependent on your server configuration.
> Default.htm is the default for Microsoft Internet Information Server and
> Personal Web Server, but default.html is not an automatic substitute, and I
> have to confess ignorance to what default.htp might be.

.htp and .idc are used with MS SQL and with the "web-bots" of FrontPage to
do database querying and reporting.

Marc W. Davis                             davis at revelation.unomaha.edu
Manager/Building Services                 402/554-3745
University Library                        fax 402/554-3215	
University of Nebraska at Omaha           Omaha, Nebraska  68182-0237		

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