SUMMARY:(LONG) Web enabled databases

Bill Crosbie crosbie at AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU
Fri May 2 16:56:18 EDT 1997


Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly with some suggestions.
For those of you who have lives and work responsibilities and forgot the
original question:

"I am trying to come up with pricing/implementation recommendations for a
joint project that will create an online, dynamically served image archive,
driven by commercial database software.  I've been searching every bit of
Unix-web server database integration that I can deal with ..."

Bill Drew recommended SiteSearch from OCLC.

For info:
Ken McCracken <aa175 at>

Provided the following pointers:
Consider Lotus Notes (presumably with Domino) or one of the following products.
The netscape blessed Java based (I think Net Dynamics is the vendor) on the
fly html secured pages and database driven system seemed to impress all the
pros at the local Java user group.  Another one I was looking at was Unify
Vison, and
recently someone I met who works for a division of OpenText told me to keep
an eye out for Livelink. 
Nancy Harris <nancyh at>

I think that most everything you are talking about can be satisfied with our
WebCAT and the 856 tag in the Unicorn database.

She also noted that SIRSI has its own archive product that stands alone.

Since RUL is converting to SIRSI we will need to explore this option.
Robert Terry <rhterry at RBSE.Mountain.Net>

Visit - it is a commercial product 
that uses Oracle as underlying database.  All pages including the 
administrative ones are dynamically generated from data in database.
Lillian Woon Gassie <gassiel at>
Systems Librarian
National Wetlands Research Center, BRD-USGS

Informed me of a really spiffy piece of work being done with some SQL
freeware.  Excerpt from her post follows.

I'm in the process of developing web databases for 
our center.  Since we do not have any money, I'm using shareware and 
freeware (mSQL and WDB) that appear to work just as well.  We do have 
Oracle but [...] the software looks like it is an overkill for what we
needed at the library.

    Our experience with mSQL has been very positive (amazingly easy to 
     use, and best of all, it's free to non-profit organizations).  I'm 
     still using version 1.0.6; version 2.0 is out but is rather unstable 
     (seemingly, from the very active listserv: archives at  The database interface (DBI) I 
     used, WDB, has not been updated for over a year.  

To take a peak at the site:
Thanks also go out to:

Debra Bartling ~~ Programmer/Analyst
Earthquake Engineering Research Center

Who stated that there was an image archive of earthquake damage at:

Produced jointly by EERC and the Museum Informatics Project

Thanks again to everyone.   I hope that this summary proves useful to the group.

 Always dream and shoot higher         |      Bill Crosbie
 than you know you can do.             |      Microcomputer Analyst
 Don't bother just to be better than   |      Chang Science Library
 your contemporaries or predecessors.  |      Rutgers University
 Try to be better than yourself.       |      New Brunswick, NJ USA
                                       |      crosbie at
      ~~William Faulkner~~             |      908-932-0305 x114

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