CDA Oral Arguments: Filtering the OPAC

Thomas Dowling tdowling at
Wed Mar 26 16:18:51 EST 1997

> I have a sneaky feeling that most libraries already have what was once
> their card catalogues online and in many cases the cards don't exist
> anymore (and haven't for some time).  I certainly wouldn't want to suck
> out our 500,000+ works from the relation database that underlies our OPAC
> and then "simply run it through some sort of word processor". :-)

marc2txt oldcatalog | grep -iv "dirty_word_1" | \
    grep -iv "dirty_word_2" | txt2marc > newcatalog

Sure.  That'll work.  :-)

Thomas ("You could also do it in Perl") Dowling
Ohio Library and Information Network
tdowling at

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