webliographies (for hardcopy or research) -- http://astl-10.stanford.edu/eta.cgi

Petter Naess pnaess at usis.no
Mon Mar 17 11:25:30 EST 1997

Reply to the message of Thursday January 2, 1997 09:48 +0100

>So, have you ever wanted to print a Web page, but your browser
>couldn't make proper footnotes with the URLs?  Well, no not despair;
>just pop your printed page into  http://astl-10.stanford.edu/eta.cgi
>and print the resulting page, which will show all the <A>nchors, along
>with their associated URLs (recursively if you click further.)

>It doesn't handle images unless they are absolutely specified in the
>document, and it doesn't handle image maps at all.  Beyond that the
>only problem is that you will probably want to turn off underlining
>when you print webliographies, unless your printer shows _underscores_
>when they are printed underlined (sometimes they obscure each other.)

I like Extract the Anchors and have used it much - however, could not find
it today and am wondering if it's been removed from the stanford site
(couldn't find it elsewhere either...) Thanks, Petter Naess

Petter Naess
Information Resource Center
United States Information Service
0244 Oslo, Norway
phone 22562522, ext.2238
fax 22440436
email pnaess at usis.no

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