Z39.50 history

Chris Hammond-Thrasher cthrashe at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Sun Mar 16 11:55:17 EST 1997

There is a wealth of resources on the Z39.50 specification on the web.
However, I am specifically looking into the history of Z39.50 and its use
in libraries. I have found one particularly valuable paper on this topic

Iltis, Susannah, "Z39.50: An Overview of Development and the Future,"
[paper online]; available from
http://www.cqs.washington.edu/~camel/z/z.html ; Internet.

Can anyone recommend any other online resources dealing with the history of
Z39.50? Or the future of Z39.50?

Christopher John Hammond-Thrasher
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
email: cthrashe at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
URL: http://www.ualberta.ca/~cthrashe
phone/fax: 403.433.3677

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