Boston: In Loco Policia? -Reply

David L. King dlking at
Sat Mar 1 10:31:29 EST 1997

>  One night he sold beer to an underage police operative.  The
> As of today (February 28, 1997) the same sort of thing can
> happen to store clerks who sell cigaretts to anyone under 18.

Ok - I have a question relating to this:
I'm not familiar with the actual law on this, but - convenience stores,
bookstores, video rental place, etc. all have signs displayed that read
"18 and over only." I assume there's some type of law that says minors
can't look at Playboy, etc.

If there's some type of law already in place, what gives a library the
legal right to allow minors to gaze at Playboy, when other types of
businesses apparently don't have that right?

Or is there really no law like that, and convenience/bookstores/etc. are
simply afraid of lawsuits? 

I'm not sure (that's why I'm asking :)...


			David King
			Electronic Services Librarian
			University of Southern Mississippi
			dlking at

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