Stacy Matwick smatwick at
Wed Mar 19 11:44:57 EST 1997

k.thangarasu wrote:
dear Web4 memebers!

I am using Internet search and knowing little bit on Internet
but i don't know idea about INTERANET. What is the difference
between INTERNET AND INTERANET. If possible to say, please send
me in detailed mail. 
thanks with regards

yours sincerely
* K. THANGARASU,,M.L.I.Sc.,C.Pc     Res: Amman Kovil ST *
* Jr. Documentation Assistant                  Avinangdudi PO *
* Central Leather Research Inst                S.A.V.Dt       *
* Adyar, MADRAS-600 020. S.India               Pin-606 112    *
* India. Ph: 4911389/4911386-Ext136/144/156    Ph:04143-86209 *
* Fax: 91(44)4911589. e-mail: gen at             *
Good question
Many corporate and special libraries are now at the point where they
have alot of content that needs to be shared but not by the public.
Virtual offices and employees who need to connect can access all of the
same information as in house people.  
Think of it as an inter-office internet. The following book was of
immense help.
Bernard, Ryan  
  The corporate intranet : create and manage an internal web for your
organization.  New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. 395 p.

Contents:  Chapter 1 - What every business can learn from the Internet;
Chapter 2 - A new kind of information system; Chapter 3 - The birth of
the information center; Chapter 4 - The intranet in practice;  Chapter 5
- Toward the paperless office; Chapter 6 - Harnessing the new media;
Chapter 7 - Serving data and applications; Chapter 8 - Interfacing with
the Internet; Chapter 9 - Managing the Web explosion.

Abstract: This books explains how to create and manage the Intranet
within your organization.  It provides a practical overview of what it
takes to allow your LAN network to support Web technology. Chapter 1
explains how the Internet model applies to business and gives a first
glimpse of the concepts involved in the Intranet.  Chapter 2 explains
the developments in technology that have made Intranets feasible for the
enterprise and discusses how it may change the way we all do business in
the future.  Chapter 3 explains how any department in an organization
can use a web server to create its own information center.  Chapter 4
provides examples of how companies like DEC, Chevron, Sun and Nortel are
already using web technology for internal applications. Chapter 5
explains how to use an internal web as a publishing medium.  Chapter 6
covers the issues and concepts of delivering multimedia over an internal
web.  Chapter 7 explains how the internal web can be used to serve
information from databases and other client-server applications.
Chapter 8 explains the relation between an internal web (Intranet) and
an external one delivered over the Internet. Chapter 9 explains how to
manage the inevitable growth that will occur as your first Intranet
applications evolve into large-scale web systems.

Keywords: Intranet; Internet; World Wide Web
Stacy Matwick
Information Centre
International Institute for Sustainable Development
161 Portage Avenue East, 6th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 0Y4
Telephone: 1-204-958-7755
Fax: 1-204-958-7710
E-mail: smatwick at
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