selecting a search engine for a library web site

Bobb Menk bmenk at
Wed Jun 25 05:47:55 EDT 1997

Ernest Perez wrote:
> Don't know if you mean for a single server or for a group of
> servers. If the former, EXCITE is a freebie (in unsupported mode)
> and decently serviceable. We use it for state intranet Web server
> search, and are satisfied with it.  It is Unix OS.

I would add that it also runs under NT.  I'm running it under UNIX on 
our public web and under NT on our intranet.

I found it relatively easy to set up and use, customizable enough 
that search results are indentifiable as having been run against 
just our site rather than the web at large, the price is certainly 
right, and our ISP was willing to install, if not actually support it 
on the public web space we have with them.

Take a look if you're so inclined.

I haven't noticed any security issues with it, but that's not really 
my area of expertise.  Perhaps Laura Guy could expand a bit on that 
area? (She brought it up in passing earlier in this thread).

Bobb Menk, Internet Librarian, Lane Memorial Library
Hampton, NH 03842  603-926-3368
bmenk at

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