B&N - Amazon.Com

Camille Del Vecchio cdelvecc at mcls.rochester.lib.ny.us
Wed Jun 11 19:10:55 EDT 1997

	What I don't understand is how come amazon.com isn't making any 
money -- you'd think that with no stores, no parking lots to maintian, a 
lot fewer employees and hardly any inventory on hand, they'd be making in 
by the sackful.  Does anyone have a theory or some direct experience?  

  "My method is to take the utmost trouble to find the right thing to 
say, and then to say it with the utmost levity." G.B. Shaw

Camille DelVecchio
Penfield Public Library
1985 Baird Road
Penfield, NY 14526
716 328-5278

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Linda Maclennan wrote:

> BTW:
> B&N physical stores DO NOT support the web prices either!!
> But after muttering the dreaded amazon.com mantra they gave
> me the book at what "I said was the B&N web price" and sure
> got me out of there!!
> Linda MacLennan
> CNY Library Resources Council
> Syracuse, NY 13224
> 315/446-5446 voice
> 315/446-5590 fax

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