X Rated Electronic Brown Wrapper

Dianne L Parham DZP at library.sannet.gov
Tue Jun 10 10:53:21 EDT 1997

I'm sorry but I'm starting to find this discussion too X-rated for my eyes 
which are evidently more virginal that Mr. Burt's.  At what point did we 
slip into the land of male fantasies and out of a serious discussion of 
filtering?  Yes, Mr. Hooley, I understand you are being clever.  Mr. 
Burt I don't stand at all since he seems to be promoting the very 
subject that he finds so distressing.  I am afraid how much 
further he will take this discussion...fortunatley my e-mail 
doesn't display photos or I am sure I would find some from his 
personal collection tastelessly displayed.  Filtering, my dear little 
boys, has to do with more than displays of body parts that seems to fill 
your purient little minds.  Lads, get out of the computer lab more and 
into real life.  Meanwhile, is there any hope we can either get back 
to a professional level of discussion, or cut this increasingly 
annoying thread?  I know.  Delete, delete, delete.  I am without a 
doubt speaking for myself and not my organization.  Dianne Parham, San Diego 
Public Library

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Steve Hooley! wrote:

>         My mouse vibrated as I approached the information. Closer and closer
> it came, throbbing anxiously in my sweaty hand - and then, with a squeak, it
> stopped; and the page began to load. Yes, I panted, yes yes. It was the home
> page of the Lake Oswego Public Library, located at www.porn-pusher.com.
> Then, luckily for my eyes, the filtering software kicked in and stopped me
> from seeing Lake Oswego's Cyber=playmate of the Month. Pant pant pant.
> Suddenly I feel sorta ILL...
> >I respect Mr. Burt's desire to protect children, but one of the things that
> >bothers me about this discussion is rather clearly demonstrated in this
> >posting. And that is that Mr. Burt, like a judge watching sexually explicit
> >films before ruling on what is or isn't pornography, obviously feels the
> >need to spend a certain amount of time cruising these sites, so that he can
> >be an informed censor. Am I the only one who senses a certain prurience in
> >the continuing need to give examples of the kind of the site that is
> >unacceptable, and in this case a rather explicit description provided by Mr.
> >Burt?
> >
> >Charlie Crawford, TCC
> >
> >> Most everyone agrees that there is a clear difference between hard and
> >> soft core porn.  We all draw a distinction between artsy B/W  picture of
> >> a
> >> nude women, and a picture of a nude woman with her legs spread, labia
> >> on display, with a throbbing penis fast approaching.
> >
> >>As for ILL-ing Hustler, Mr. Burt
> >>stated that libraries have the right to "not ILL" anything they deem
> >>inappropriate based on their mission statement.  I do think you could
> >>end up in court over that.
> >
> >Under what statute?
> >
> >  ***********************************************************
> >          David Burt, Information Technology Librarian
> >          The Lake Oswego Public Library
> >          706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
> >          URL:          http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/library/library.htm
> >          Phone:     (503) 675-2537
> >          Fax:           (503) 635-4171
> >          E-mail:      dburt at ci.oswego.or.us
> >
> >
> Steve "Pseudo-pornography-pusher" Hooley
> +=============================++============================+
>  Stephen S. Hooley                "When the going gets
>  Romulan Tech Support              weird, the weird
>  Systems Group                     turn pro."
>  Henderson Library                  -- Hunter S. Thompson
>  Ga Southern Univ
>  Statesboro, GA 30460     www2.gasou.edu/facstaff/hooleyss
> +===========================================================+

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