Electronic Brown Wrappers [My vision]

Burt, David DBurt at ci.oswego.or.us
Tue Jun 10 12:06:00 EDT 1997

Deirdre Woodward wrote:

>>Your making an ivalid comparison.  What I'm proposing is making
>>Internet access more like  a public library collection.


By only offering "better" resources, and resources more in keeping
with the mission and scope of a traditional library.

I'm very optimistic about the future of "inclusive" filters, like the
Channel.  I think this is the future of filtering: pre-selected lists of
sites.  I hope this concept is taken to its logical conclusion: multiple
One vendor could produce a "business channel", the government could
produce a "government channel", a university or consortium of
could produce an "educational channel", and other vendors could produce
"entertainment channels", "children's channels", and yes, "porno

This would be turning over the major part of Internet selection to
vendors, much
the same way some libraries are turning over the majority of their book
to a vendor.  Libraries, could of course, add and delete sites at will.

Individual public libraries would meet with their patrons and decide
what type of
Internet access to offer.  Library A would offer the children's channel
in the
children's room, and the "respectable channels" in the adult room.
Library B
would offer unfiltered access to everything.  Library C would offer the
channel in the children's room, and access to everything in the adult
Library D would offer 2 children's workstations, 2 business, 2
government, 3 
entertainment, and 2 unrestricted workstations.  You  would see a mix of
different types of combinations in different public libraries.

At least, that's my vision.

          David Burt, Information Technology Librarian 
          The Lake Oswego Public Library 
          706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
          URL:          http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/library/library.htm
          Phone:     (503) 675-2537 
          Fax:           (503) 635-4171 
          E-mail:      dburt at ci.oswego.or.us

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