Survey on online library recruitment

Sarah Nesbeitt, Maxwell Library snesbeitt at
Mon Jun 9 19:13:46 EDT 1997


If your organization has ever advertised an open position on the Internet, 
I would appreciate your taking 5-10 minutes to fill out the following survey.

For the past two years, via the compilation of my Web page on library jobs,
I have spoken with both jobseekers and employers concerned with making
the library recruitment process more visible in the online world.  It's
my hope that the results of this survey will help improve job search
effectiveness from both perspectives.  

Most questions can be completed with a simple one-word answer.  
If you are interested in discovering the most successful ways of 
advertising your open positions, I encourage you to participate! 

This survey is being sent to several library-related mailing
lists as well as being posted on my website.  The Web version
is located at:

All responses will be treated anonymously unless you give me permission
to contact you further.  I apologize in advance if you see this message
twice due to cross-posting.  Please contact me at the following address
with any questions or comments.  Thank you.

*** Please e-mail responses directly to me at snesbeitt at ***

Sarah Nesbeitt
Reference, Maxwell Library
Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA  02325
snesbeitt at


1.   What type of library / information specialist position were
you advertising?  Please choose all that apply.

A.   Type of library

___  Academic                 ___  Public
___  School Library Media     ___  Special
___  Library Education        ___  Non-library organization
___  Other library type
     (Specify:   _________________________)

B.   Area within library

___  Public Services
___  Technical Services
___  Mixture of public and tech service responsibilities
___  Library Administration / Department Head
___  Other responsibilities (Specify:  ______________________)

C.   Experience level

___  Experience required      ___  Entry-level applicants OK

2.   What was the exact job title of the position you advertised?

3.   By advertising your library's open position on the Internet,
did you have expectations that applicants should be familiar with
the Internet and/or electronic resources in general?

3a.  If yes to (3), were these expectations stated somewhere in
the job description?

4.   What reasons did you have for advertising your position on
the Internet?

5.   Where did you decide to advertise your position?  Please
check all that apply.

___  American Libraries            ___  C&RL News
___  Library Journal               ___  School Library Journal
___  Chronicle of Higher Ed.       ___  Other library-specific
                                        print publication
___  Local newspaper(s)            ___  Library placement firm
___  Library conference placement  ___  Local library school
___  Regional/state library jobline

___  Internet mailing list(s)      ___  Internet mailing list(s) 
     with national scope                with regional scope
___  Usenet newsgroup(s)
___  Other library-specific Internet site
___  Non-library-specific Internet site
___  Other (where? _____________________)

6a.  Among all of the places the position was advertised, which
source(s) did you feel brought in the most applicants?

6b.  Among all the places the position was advertised, which
source(s) did you feel brought in the most qualified applicants?

7.   Was your e-mail address included in the job postings?

7a.  If yes to (7), did you receive any inquiries regarding the
position over e-mail?  If so, how did this affect your impression
of the candidate(s)?

8.   Have you ever searched through online resume banks in search
of appropriate candidates?

9.   Have you ever accepted an electronic resume in lieu of a
paper one?

10.  If an applicant, on his/her resume, included Web addresses
for a home page or for Web-based projects he/she had worked on,
did you ever take a look at those Web sites?

11.  What suggestions would you have for librarians seeking
employment regarding how to best present themselves in the net

12.  If another position opened up at your library in the near
future, would you choose to advertise on the Internet again?  
(OPTIONAL:  If yes, why?   If not, why not?)

13.  (If applicable:)  When did your library first begin
advertising open positions on the Internet?

14.  Has your library scaled down, or does your library plan to
scale down, print-based advertising in relation to Internet-based

15.  From what LISTSERV did you see this survey posted?

16.  OPTIONAL:  If you wouldn't mind my contacting you for
further elaboration on your responses, please provide your name
and e-mail address below.  Thank you!

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