Summer '97 Links Workshop Still Open

Sheryl Dwinell dwinells at
Wed Jun 4 10:43:29 EDT 1997

I have mixed feelings about posting this, but as someone who enrolled in
one of these workshops and was left feeling very dissatisfied I felt I had
to relay my experiences to the list.  I sent a note to the listowner, Roy
Tennant, and he thought that it was appropriate to do this. So, please
don't complain to him if you think this posting is inappropriate to the
list. Flame me.

Last January, I signed up for the Tune In the Net workshop.  It was
advertised as an 8 week workshop with 8 tutorials (one per week) and was
supposed to end, as I recall, in late March.  The first 3 tutorials came on
schedule, then nothing.  After repeated emails, none of which received a
response until the last, tutorial 4 finally appeared about 4 weeks late. I
was given some explanation about the tardiness and an offer of a refund, or
to be enrolled in the summer class.  I thought I'd wait and see what
happened with the rest of the tutorials. Another 3 weeks or so went by and
tutorial 5 appeared in mid-May. To date, I still have not received
tutorials 6-8. I emailed and have yet to recieve any sort of response.
Yesterday I finally mailed and asked for the library's money back.

I usually wouldn't do this sort of thing, but I thought if I could spare
someone else this headache, it was worth it. 

Sheryl Dwinell
Cataloger/Database Management Librarian
Memorial Library, Marquette University
P.O. Box 3141
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3141
dwinells at

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