SOS: CGI recommendation

Jim Hurd jhurd at
Sun Jun 1 21:04:26 EDT 1997

	I like *CGI Programming on the World Wide Web* by Shishir
Gundavaram.  It is published by O'Reilly.  *Teach Yourself CGI Programming
with Perl in a week* by Eric Hermann is also good.  It is published by
Sams.Net A more superficial treatment is *Introduction to CGI/Perl* by
Brenner and Aoki, published by M&T Books. GNU has a C compiler, but I have
no experience with it. a list of commercial compilers can be founs at:
			   Good luck.  

                ______________JIM HURD______________
               |         jhurd at          |
               |    |
	       |___________(812) 339-1465___________| 	

On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Tom Martin wrote:

:I'm wanting to learn how to write CGI scripts. Can anyone recommend a good
:book for a beginner? Also, where can I download a C compiler as free or
:Mary Beth Martin
:Cross, SC

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