Java applications

Alan Withoff awithoff at
Mon Jun 23 09:47:33 EDT 1997

Helen R Lloyd wrote:

> Does anyone know of any good examples of Java applications?  I am
> particularly interested in library applications, but would also like
> other examples...........where it has been used to extend the
> usefulness of the Web.

Try the online library catalog of the Cal State Hayward Library,
HAYSTAC,  with a Java-enabled web browser (such as Netscape Navigator
2.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.) It uses a  Java telnet applet,
and  can be accessed at

> I have not been overly impressed with the quality of the Java
> applications I have seen so far.  It is frustrating waiting several
> minutes for them to load, only to find that they are of quite poor
> quality.

Well, SAB's JavaBOWL, multiplayer bowling game, by Steve A. Baker, ( ) got me frustrated:
I couldn't quit playing it!

> Some are amusing, but hardly cutting edge use of new
> technology.

Wait till the end of the year!  There seems to be many promising
developments with regards to knowledge mapping, site navigation aids &

P.S. The examples above are applets, as compared to applications.  But
we're dealing with the Internet here, as compared to an intranet.

Alan Withoff, Technology Consultant/ awithoff at
Mississippi Library Commission/
1221 Ellis Avenue                         Vox: 601.359.1036
Jackson, MS 39289-0700                    Fax: 601.354.4181

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