Access -Reply

Gary Oliver oliverg at
Tue Jul 15 17:51:30 EDT 1997

I will try to explain this better.

>From home I use Win95 dial-up networking to dial the faculty/staff campus 
number.  After the phone is answered by the university's modem and 
TCP/IP server, I type in my user name and password (all faculty, staff 
and students have a password)  After my user name and password are 
authenticated, I am given a prompt at which I type PPP, Point-tp-Point 
Protocal.  At  that point I am connected to the university's TCP/IP 
network.  Now I can launch a telnet program to check my email or work on 
the library's web pages or I can launch a browser.  

The only way to dial in is to have an account on a campus network computer.

I know that all I have described above can be scripted so that all I need 
to do is double click on the brower, but I have not taken the time to do 
that yet. 

P.S.  We have T1 internet access through the University of Texas.


Gary Oliver--Cataloger			915-674-2343 (w)
Abilene Christian University		915-674-2204 (fax)
221 Brown Library			oliverg at
ACU Box 29208				PfW Listowner
Abilene, Tx 79699-9207

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