Online library systems

Jerry Kuntz jkuntz at
Mon Jul 14 12:38:50 EDT 1997

> > For one thing I am
> > irritated that we have to pay a goodly sum for UniVerse licences (on top of
> > paying for operating system and Dynix licences).

UniVerse licensing has always been draconian, compared to the rest of
the industry. However, there might be light at the end of the tunnel:
rumor has it that Ameritech announced at ALA that it would soon be
offering a top-level unlimited Dynix/Universe license. (Previously, both
Dynix and Universe licenses were sold port-by-port; no ranges, no top
level of unlimited.)

Having responded to this query, at the same time I feel obligated to
point out that it's not quite on target for Web4lib.

                                Jerry Kuntz
                                Ramapo Catskill Library System
                                jkuntz at

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