ALA on Filtering

Judith Falzon jfalzon at
Sun Jul 6 19:44:53 EDT 1997

> Is there room in this resolution for filters that patrons can select to
> apply (i.e. the ability to support multiple configurations)? What would
> ALA think of parent's control over their own children's filtering
> configuration? [They'll have to face this sooner or later, because the
> technology is coming. The resolution's reference to the Library Bill of
> Rights leads one to guess that they would be against parental control of
> one's own children's filtering configuration within the library. Is
> everyone comfortable with that?] 

**No, I would imagine there would be no conflict with LBOR over parental
control over that parents' child/ren filtering configuration. It's
consistent with LBOR position on parental control. BUT, since the general
public has a hard time understanding library "stuff" (subject headings, 
for example) I think it's unrealistic to forsee understanding of 
multiple configurations--even if they existed and worked perfectly)--and
what that means for someone doing I'net research.

My two cents,

Judy Falzon
Tech Coordinator

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