statistical manipulations of use logs

pourel at pourel at
Tue Jul 1 13:51:39 EDT 1997

I want to do a detailed analysis of patron behavior in my web site i.e. not
just page hits but detailed individual path tracking.  Naturally I will also
want to do some statistical analysis of this data.  Can
anyone recommend particularly good log manipulating software to to do both
these things?  A lot of the software I've heard about seems to focus on the
"visit" level, generally useful, but not what I need.  If necessary, the data
could be transferred to a standard statistical package so a good path
tracking product recommendation, even without much statistical power, might
be enough.


I. Pour-El						pourel at
Reference and Instructional Services Librarian		515-294-1004
152 Parks Library
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011

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Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny. - Thomas

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