Filtering: beyond porn (was:Re: CDA

Burt, David DBurt at
Tue Jul 1 13:00:00 EDT 1997

John Creech wrote:

>>On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Burt, David wrote:

>> I'll just say this one last time.  There are "grey areas" in free
>> speech, such as flag burning, slander, libel, false advertising, and
>> filtering.

>case law isn't gray.  you refuse to accept that the law clearly,
>succintly, and thoroughly supports a legal position in opposition to
>own social/cultural/political/religious agenda.

And what, John, is my social/cultural/political/religious agenda?
Since everyone seems to be so interested in my politics, fine, I'll go
on record:

I am a democrat.
I am an atheist.
I support gun control.
I support a woman's right to choose on abortion.
I am opposed to school prayer.
I opposed Clinton signing the welfare reform bill.
I support gay rights.
I support limited affirmative action.
I support more open immigration.

My voting record:
1980:Carter, 1984:Mondale, 1988:Dukakis, 1992:Clinton, 1996:Clinton
The only time I ever voted for a Republican was for NYC Mayor Giuliani.

What case law is it you are referring to that I refuse to accept?

          David Burt, Information Technology Librarian 
          The Lake Oswego Public Library 
          706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
          Phone:     (503) 675-2537 
          Fax:           (503) 635-4171 
          E-mail:      dburt at 

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