Netscape page loading

Laura Quilter lauramd at
Wed Jan 29 18:21:20 EST 1997

Hi, Caroline.  We did this at one of our libraries also.  You create a new
program item in Windows as normal (FILE, NEW ITEM) but in the command line
you specify the web page.  I believe you can do it something like this:
Obviously, you would need to substitute the correct URL and DOS paths.

On Fri, 30 Jan 1998 CAROLINE at wrote:

> Greetings!
> I am running Netscape 2.02 on 486 Pc's with
> DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.x.  I have set Netscape to
> load our Library Homepage initially.  I would like
> to set up an icon in Windows (where patrons now
> find the Netscape icon) that will allow
> them to start Netscape and load a different
> initial page (from an entirely different
> server).  I want to give them the opportunity
> to bypass our homepage altogether and go straight
> to the site in question (a heavily used
> proprietary database). Clues?  Help!
> Caroline Allen
> Library Systems Coordinator
> University of Texas at Tyler
> Caroline at

Laura M. Quilter   /   lauramd at
Electronic Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago

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