User distribution by browser

Margaret F. Riley mfriley at
Wed Jan 29 08:21:35 EST 1997

At 02:58 AM 1/29/97 -0800, you wrote:

>Just to give an indication,
>here's the distribution of total reguests for december 1996 of our
>(bilangual) site (http:\\
>(Mozilla = Netscape)
> #reqs: browser
>------  -------
>204260: Mozilla
> 41609: Mozilla (compatible)
(snipped the rest of a really interesting list)

I'd like to point out something which Jakob Nielsen of Sun said at a 
workshop he gave at the WWW5 conference in Dec 1995.
He said that Sun had analyezed these kinds of statistics, and yes,
they were getting hit with Netscape the most.  Then they started
calling some of their clients and asking about software *versions*.
At that time, he said very few of the Netscape users had upgraded
beyond version 1.1.   Makes a big difference to say "Netscape" and
to say "Netscape version X."

In working with the corporate clients and business contacts that
I now have, I can assure you that few outside of academe and
various research groups are upgrading as fast as the browsers are
coming out.  Most, like myself, are waiting for the majority of
the bugs to be fixed and wondering where we will get the money
to upgrade the hardware to handle the monstrous software.

Margaret F. Riley, MSLIS
Internet Consultant		 The Riley Guide
3726 Nimitz Road
Kensington, MD  20895-1700	 mfriley at
(301) 946-1917		 (301) 933-9529 FAX
"The Guide to Internet Job Searching" by Margaret Riley,
 Frances Roehm, and Steve Oserman.  VGM Career Horizons,
 April 1996.   1-800-323-4900

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