Netscape Gold - help getting rid of table lines in editor

Genie Tyburski tyburski at SHRSYS.HSLC.ORG
Mon Jan 27 11:57:42 EST 1997


If I understand your question correctly, you may get rid of the grid by
writing the code, BORDER=0, in your table statement.  Example:



Genie Tyburski					PH:  215-864-8151
Research Librarian				FX:  215-864-8999
Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll		EM:  tyburski at
1735 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA  19103

Editor of The Virtual Chase Web Site at

Neva J. Smith wrote:
> Hi Webbers-
> Longtime lurker coming out...
> I've just begun to make my first web page using Netscape Gold 3 (running on
> NT4.0) and need a tip.
> I put a table in using the editor, but I can't find the way to turn off
> that "embossed" table grid. Naturally I'm doing this with a deadline... of
> late tomorrow (Mon, Jan. 27). I've searched the Web4Lib archives
> unsuccessfully.
> Anyone know the secret?
> Thanks,
> Neva Smith
> = < +> = * = < +> = * = < +> = * = < + >
> Neva J. Smith, MLIS
> njsmith at
> voice/fax +1.512.244.2767

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