web links and the law - was Re: Re[2]: Head of S.F.'s Library Re

Pam Davies lib6pmd at LIBRARY.NOVELL.LEEDS.AC.UK
Sun Jan 26 13:39:16 EST 1997

On 24 Jan 97 at 14:29, Earl Young wrote:
>      There is a case in Britain (Scotland, I believe) where linking to a 
>      site was declared a violation - but I understand that the site 
>      cautioned against it (not certain about that though).  This case was 
>      in the news during the summer.

Read about it at
Not yet resolved, and involves personalities as well as 
technicalities.  Was going to go to court "in the New Year", but 
nothing seems to have developed recently.  Great site anyway!


Pam Davies, Senior Assistant Librarian,
Edward Boyle Library, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT, UK
email: p.m.davies at leeds.ac.uk phone: 0113 233 5543 fax: 0113 233 5539

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