Yo ho ho (this isn't even about copyright any more...)

Thomas Dowling tdowling at OHIOLINK.edu
Fri Jan 24 17:01:04 EST 1997

Until and unless future Communicator betas make non-HTML the default
setting, you might find your correspondents reaching for the Tylenol
and Visine a little less often if you make that adjustment manually...

Thomas Dowling
Ohio Library and Information Network
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

> <HTML><BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0" LINK="#0000EE"
VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000">
> <DT>&nbsp;Would the people making the &quot;information wants to be
> argument use the same lazy logic on&nbsp; any sort of content they
> on the Internet (including graphics, logos, music, etc.)?&nbsp;</DT>
> <DT>&nbsp;</DT>
> Jerry Kuntz</DT>

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