Plagiarism Risks on Academic Websites

Patricia J. Knobloch - 3577939 pknobloc at
Mon Jan 6 18:48:36 EST 1997

I just had a bit of a debate about this with my prof.  I suggested putting
a paper on the internet and he thought it would be plagiarized.  But if it
was, what is the difference between me pointing to my web-document as the
original source and me pointing to my published document as the original
source.  I have given many papers at meeting and always ask to be cited
with permission.  So if I came across someone plagiarizing my work I could
always call them on it.  Also, wouldn't a professor inquire into the
origin of a student's resources if a student mentioned data analysis that
was not known to the instructor.  I think that concern over plagiarism is
more a problem of an individual's ethics. If a person is unethical, then
they will plagiarize any source.  The web environment might seem more
conducive to plagiarism since it seems so volatile; "here today, gone
tomorrow" and a student might think they can get away with plagiarism if
the original source might etherize tomorrow.
Pat Knobloch

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