Web maintenance by committee?

Christopher Jackson cjackson at monroe.lib.in.us
Wed Feb 26 11:22:13 EST 1997

I work at a medium sized public library, and we also do web maintenance by
committee.  Our situation is slightly different in that there is one
person ultimately in charge, namely me, but the content areas are under
the jurisdiction of someone from the relevant department, and they do have
the ability to add and edit pages without going through me.

This arrangement has worked very well for departments that have someone
willing and able to contribute.  But some departments don't have anyone
with the time, expertise, or inclination to get involved, even though I
continually prod and offer to help.  Our site is therefore very even--some
areas are highly developed and dynamic; others have had an "under
construction" note for way too long.

We plan on continuing this arrangement, but because I personally do not
have time to do the work for the under-represented departments, I am
resigning from my web administrator position (I have many other
responsibilities). My replacement, I hope, will have time to fill the
site's "thin" spots.

> What are procedures for reviewing content? 

In addition to those actually doing the html, we have a web committee
composed of all department heads plus anyone else who's interested.  All
substantive changes are installed to a "prototype" web area, and the web
committee is given an opportunity to comment on the changes before they're
installed to the actual site.

This arrangement only works for new content, however.  We do not have a
procedure for reviewing existing content, and we need one.

> How do
> you maintain a unified "tone" on your web site, if different
> individuals are producing the content?

We have a standard header/footer format that must appear on every page.
The "tone" of our site is rather varied, but we have tried to maintain
enough unifying elements to tie things together.  For example, virtually
all our pages contain a set of links which will take you back not just to
the home page, but to all the categories listed on the home page.

I like having a varied tone--I don't think our reference department should
have the same look and feel as our children's department.  And I like
giving the staff who work in those departments the freedom to design their
own look and feel.  But this is a tricky issue--sometimes I feel a more
consistent tone would aid our users. 

I'm looking forward to hearing other folks' approach to "web by


    Christopher Jackson                      cjackson at monroe.lib.in.us	
    Reference Librarian                      voice: (812) 876-1272
    Monroe County Public Library             fax: (812) 876-2515
    Ellettsville, IN  47429                  http://www.monroe.lib.in.us/

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