Concept virus(?)

Charles A. Summerhill casummerhill at
Wed Feb 26 09:44:01 EST 1997

Lisa wrote:

  We have picked up a virus which appears to only effect WORD by
  docs being saved in any other directory bar the templete directory,
  is write protected. Has this effected anyone else or does anyone
  have any
  advice?  We also have the odd reappearance of a moving text on

Microsoft has a virus checker on their web site which specifically deals
with the Concept Macro virus. Also, depending on which version of Word
you are running there are updates available which make it harder (but
not impossible) to "catch" one of these macro viruses.

The URL to the Microsoft page dealing this is:

Hope this helps...

  Charles A. Summerhill
  Network Manager
  Library Learning Resource Center
  University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

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