[THAILAND] Center for Library and Information Resources - training courses

Terry Kuny Terry.Kuny at xist.com
Thu Feb 13 09:36:50 EST 1997

The Center for Library and Information Resources of the 
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok announces the following courses:


                   Duration: 1 - 26 September 1997   
                   Duration:	31 August  - 25 September 1998 

	This course will introduce participants to the concept of using
Computerized Documentation System/ Integrated  Set of  Information System
which is another UNESCO-developed software  for textual data  management
and   retrieval.   It is designed specifically for the computerized
management of structured non-numerical data bases.  The objective is to
enhance the profession of participants with the features of CDS/ISIS.
Participants will learn searching, data entry and  sorting/printing  (in
different formats) in CDS/ISIS database. They will be able to use CDS/ISIS
to create and maintain their database according to their need.

2.	Emerging Technologies for Automated Information Services and Management
                   Duration:  7 July  - 26 September 1997 
                   Duration: 	6 July - 25 September 1998 

	Our 3-month training course is carefully designed with objectives to
provide an understanding of the principles of automated library systems and
information services for librarians, documentalists, information managers,
and subject specialists. We offer an opportunity for them to update their
knowledge   of   the   rapidly changing computerized information
technologies, and to develop the ability to handle effectively new
telecommunications and multimedia technologies to satisfy the needs of their
users. Some aspects of marketing are also introduced to trainees such as
Current Awareness Services, Selective Dissemination of Information Services.

3.	Resources Discovery on the Internet (RDI)
                  Duration:  26 - 30 May  1997,  27 - 31 October 1997

                  Duration:  2 - 6 March 1998, 25 - 29 May 1998, 26 - 30
                October 1998
The Internet is now a part of the daily life of many people as it provides
easy access to all kinds of information. As more and more organizations and
individuals decide to have an access to the Internet, they find it necessary
to understand what the Internet is and how can it serve their own particular
needs, professionally and personally.  This intense training course is
designed to introduce participants to the stunning variety of information
and services available on the Internet and, while surfing through its
overwhelming stream, learn to effectively and efficiently locate the
required information.

4.	Building a Web Site (BWS)
                   Duration: 2 - 6 June 1997, 3 - 7 November 1997 

                   Duration:  9 - 13 Mar 1998, 1 - 5 June 1998, 2 - 6
November 1998  

Today the Internet is the most popular new mode of providing information to
a large number of people throughout the world. Each day, millions of people
search the Internet for professional and personal information. This short,
intensive training course is specially designed to enable participants to
learn how to use the Internet in promoting their organizations.
Participants will be trained to create a Web page in order to market their
products to the world.

Remarks:  10% Discount on Tuition Fee when applying for both RDI and BWS.

5	Information Repackaging, Consolidation and Desktop Publishing (IRC)

                  Duration: 12 Jan - 13 Feb 1998	

	This 5-week course was initially designed to serve IDRC projects during the
period of 1989-1992.  The CLAIR has carried out this course to introduce our
participants to the role of new technologies in identifying and satisfying
the specific information needs of particular groups of users through
appropriate repackaging and consolidation techniques.  Hence, the overall
objective of the training course is to assist the participants in learning
information packaging and consolidation techniques.  Specifically, the
course will assist participants in obtaining a suitable knowledge base and
skills sufficient to enable them to: (a) identify users' needs for
repackaged information; (b) understand and implement production technologies
and procedures; and (c) plan the development and production of information
resource materials.

6.	Specialized Short Courses

	Apart from our regular courses, CLAIR  also organizes tailor-made courses
designed to meet the specific needs of the participants.  Such courses may
be conducted on request from a sponsoring organization for a group of 6 to
15 participants, from two weeks to two months.  

For more information, please contact:

Center for Library and Information Resources
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O.Box  4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND
Tel:  (66-2) 5245869, 5160110
Fax:  (66-2) 5245870, 5162126
Tlx:  84276 TH
E-mail: nai at ait.ac.th
Naiyana Thanawattho
Program Associate
Center for Library and Information Resources
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4
Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120
Tel: 66-2-5245869
Fax: 66-2-5245870
Email: nai at ait.ac.th


     		Dr. F.J. Devadason, Associate Director, 
    		Center for Library and Information Resources, 
     		Asian Institute of Technology, 
      		P.O. Box : 4,	
      		Klong Luang,        Tel	(66-2) 524-5855  
      		PATHUMTHANI - 12120 Fax	(66-2) 524-5870  
      		THAILAND	e-mail	devdsn at rccsun.ait.ac.th
            		  Please ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes.

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