Windows NT Workstation and security

Reeder Norm Reeder.Norm at
Tue Feb 11 12:17:13 EST 1997

We just got through doing this.  Neither Fortress or IKiosk will work 
with NT.  You can secure the PC using the policy editor, but you also 
need to use NT's new file system (NTFS).  With that, you can give 
permission, file by file as to whether a username can see, read, write 
etc to any file or resource.  You will still need some kind of 
software to lock up the browser.  Temporarily we are using Microsoft's 
Administators Kit for Internet Explorer ($10 from Microsoft).

Our site however, really uses Netscape.  Their administrator's kit 
retails for $1,999.  However, they have a discount for public and 
educational libraries for $795.  We have ordered it, but haven't seen 
it to work with.

The Microsoft Kit locks down home page, mail and usenet settings (or 
eliminates those if you want) and keeps users from changing any 
settings in the browser.  This seems to work so far.  There isn't a 
lot of information around on NT yet.  Some of the Windows 95 problems 
discussed on this listserv previously are similar, i.e. right mouse 
clicks, policy editor, and watch not only what users can "run", but 
also what they can "delete".

Norm Reeder
Torrance Public Library

From: 	Donovan Lambright[SMTP:fmt000 at]
Sent: 	Tuesday, February 11, 1997 3:06 PM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	Windows NT Workstation and security

We're getting ready to impliment a new network at our library that 
offer a number of resources including our catalog and public Internet
access.  The workstations will be running Windows NT for 

One question I have concerns security.  Does NT allow you to lock 
down so the public can't change things in the workstation, or do we 
need to
purchase security software such as Fortres and/or Ikiosk?

Any comments from those of us familiar with NT would be appreciated. 

Donovan Lambright			Missouri River Regional Library
Computer Services Manager		PO Box 89
				Jefferson City, MO  65102-0089
				(573) 634-2464

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