Z39.50 Client Server - Request for Help

Rand Simmons rsimmons at isl.state.id.us
Mon Feb 3 11:38:28 EST 1997

(Pardon the duplication of this message - I am cross posting the message
to other listservs to get the widest number of responses possible.  Rand)

I am the new Networking Consultant for the Idaho State Library.   I hope
some of you will be able to help me with some technical advice.

We are designing a web site that will serve the citizens of Idaho.

Through the web site we hope to offer citizens and libraries the ability to
use their web browsers to connect with a Z39.50 client-server.

The client server will search all the Z39.50-compatible OPACs in
Idaho--but seamless to the user.  The user will receive one set of

The help I need is this:  Does anyone know of Z39.50 Client-Server
software that will do this.  The catch is, we want it to be

I appreciate any help you can give me.

Rand Simmons, Ph.D.
Networking Consultant, Idaho State Library
325 W. State Street, Boise, ID 83702
(208) 334-2150 / (208) 334-4016 fax / rsimmons at isl.state.id.us

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