Telnet and Netscape 4.04

Steven Benson sbenson at
Fri Dec 26 19:34:00 EST 1997


The problem does lie with the manner that Navigator 4 passes the telnet URL
to the telnet app.  The solution that worked for me is (the following is
copied off of a telnet explanation web page at my library)

In the "Telnet application field you will need to enter the path and name of
your telnet program (eg. c:\windows\telnet.exe). Netscape
Navigator/Communicator v.4 requires a slightly different entry in the "Edit
- Preferences - Navigator - Applications" menu. Look for the "URL: Telnet
protocol" field. Using the previous example, add [space] %1[space]%2 (eg.
c:\windows\telnet.exe %1 %2).

This solution isn't one I would have ever figured out, but came from
suggestions by Sheryl Dwinell and others on this listserv.  You can find
these postings by searching the Web4Lib archive for "Netscape and telnet" or
by browsing messages from late in August of 1997.

Also, I just checked my setup on my home PC under
"Preferences/Navigator/Applications/URL - Telnet protocol" and it reads:

rundll32.exe url.dll,TelnetProtocolHandler %1

In both instances this setup is starting up Microsofts's Windows 95 telnet app.

Steve Benson
Richardson Public Library
Richardson, TX
sbenson at

>I recently downloaded the standalone version of Netscape 4.04 to test out 
>for use by our libraries. I chose all of the same helper applications I 
>routinely use in 3 Gold and for some reason I haven't been able to 
>telnet. The telnet application (CRT, by the way) is launched but 4.04 
>doesn't seem to communicate the URL to it - the connect dialog pops up 
>and I have to enter the address manually, something our library patrons 
>might not be up to. I never had this problem with Netscape 3 Gold.
>Anybody else have this problem? What am I missing? 
>Mary Schiavi
>Systems Librarian
>Old Colony Library Network
>Canton, MA
>mschiavi at

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