Help w/ Russian Fonts

Robert Rasmussen ras at
Mon Dec 15 21:15:34 EST 1997

On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, John Creech wrote:

> I would appreciate any help with locating reliable sites that offer
> Russian fonts for downloading. Also, is KOI8-R the de facto/accepted
> standard character set for Cyrillic fonts?  I've searched Web4lib archives
> but haven't turned up anything.

I have just been corresponding with a gentleman in Russia about this topic. He
is a computer hardware and software reseller. He tells me that:

1. KOI8-R is used by some strictly-UNIX sites; good KOI8-R fonts are hard to
2. Many sites use the (DOS) code page 866 encoding.
3. Some use the Windows CP-1251 encoding. Many fonts are available in this 
4. The Windows API (application programming interface) call OEMToAnsi, as 
   running in Russia, understands OEM to be CP 866, so it translates correctly
   from CP866 to ANSI, that is, CP-1251. This is the method used with our
   Anzio telnet software, which he resells; it correctly renders incoming
   CP866 data in the standard Windows CP-1251 layout, for fonts such as
   Courier New.

BTW, I'm working heavily on codesets and diacriticals, if anyone would like
to chat off-list.

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail: ras at
 company e-mail: rsi at or sales at or support at               voice: 503-624-0360                 fax: 503-624-0760

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