Tiny collection

Ellen Fox efox at bcr.org
Fri Dec 12 10:45:12 EST 1997

On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Katherine Kendall wrote:

> Not a web question, but maybe someone's done this before.
> I'm volunteering to reorganize and revitalize a tiny fine
> arts library collection at a non-profit agency...
> I would like to computerize collection access, but we don't
> need and can't afford a full-fledged automated system.  I
> was thinking a good database for searching and then still
> used a manual card check-out system...

If you like the SilverPlatter SPIRS interface, BCR has used Partner 
Publishing to set up either a web-based catalog or just cut a CD-ROM for 
local access.  We recently put up the Colorado Historical Society's 
catalog on the web for them using this software. (Check out to see the catalog.)  It's pretty affordable.  You 
can contact me off the list if you want more info.


Ellen Fox					14394 East Evans Ave.
Project Manager, Research & Development		Aurora, CO  80014-1478
Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR)       (303) 751-6277 (voice)
efox at bcr.org     				(303) 751-9787 (fax)

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