Cyberspace law

Elisabeth Roche eroche at
Tue Dec 2 19:40:33 EST 1997

I do have a couple of comments.

1. The article does bring up certain specific areas of dispute among the
collegues, which is good as it illustrates that differences between Post
and others may not be on general principles but on specific ideas, such
as having cyber-courts for example.

2. I didn't think I understood anything at all about what Post thinks,
if I didn't have a good grounding in the area already I wouldn't have
had a clue what this article was talking about and would have left with
the impression that there was a radical at Temple now, who was not in
the mainstream and everyone else disagrees with him.

3. Dr. Lessig is to be commended, and I personally am grateful that he
posted on-line the full-texts for people to use to study the issues

4. ZDUniversity *has* and *does* carry on classes with more then 25,000
people. Someone should tell Post about their program and he should talk
to them about running some for him. Out-sourcing:)

5. The US Supreme Court said that the government should not restrict
adults constitutionally protected speech in exchange for protecting
children from selected information on the Internet. The private sector
and parents should be responsible for the relationships between children
and the Internet, including designing tools that can be used to assist
parents in exerting control over what their children are exposed to via
the Internet.

Elisabeth Roche Roche Internet Research and Resources Tucson, AZ
(520)320-5933 eroche at
serendipity RULES!

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