Filtering News Stories Archive

Filtering Facts David_Burt at
Sun Dec 21 22:23:19 EST 1997

My archive of media stories about filtering in public libraries has now
grown to over 80 articles.  Check it out at:

Augusta Chronicle: "Public Libraries Debating How to Handle Net Porn", 7/3/97 
Austin American-Statesman: "Libraries debate Internet policing", 10/2/97 
Austin American-Statesman: "The Value of Cyber Patrol", 10/3/97 
Cedar Rapids Gazette: "Putting up a safety Net", 7/28/97 
Chicago Tribune: "Internet Porn Could Be a Thorn " By Eric Zorn,5/29/97 
Chicago Tribune: "Librarians Take a Risky Stand" By Eric Zorn, 6/5/97 
Christian Science Monitor: "Parents pushing for libraries free of porn",
CNET News: "Librarians, locals mull Net filters", 9/23/97 
CNET News: "Boston libraries restrict Web access", 2/13/97 
CNET News: "Libraries pressured to filter Net", 4/16/97 
CNET News: "Libraries resist censorship",5/2/97 
CNET News: "Library won't face porn charges",5/23/97 
CNET News: "Next decency fight: libraries",6/26/97 
CNET News: "Libraries reject blocking software",7/11/97 
CNET News: "Group calls for library filtering, 10/6/97 
CNET News: "ACLU may sue library, 10/29/97 
CNET News: "Santa Clara libraries won't filter", 10/24/97 
CNET News: "Virginia County Restricts Net Access", 10/23/97 
Detroit News:"Board delays buying Internet porn filters", 10/15/97 
Detroit News:"Warren library will wait to add on-line porn filters", 10/21/97 
Detroit News:"Macomb County Library balks at blocking Web porn", 6/24/97 
Detroit News:"Macomb commissioner wants to filter", 6/23/97 
Detroit News:"County commission takes softer stance to limit porn", 7/22/97 
Detroit News: "Library to block Net porn from kids", 8/13/97 
Everett Herald: "Porn access issue raised with library", 5/22/97 
Florida Times-Union:"ACLU questions library Internet action", 11/24/97 
Florida Times-Union: "PORNOGRAPHY: Don't back down", 11/30/97 
Florida Times-Union: "Libraries to wield porn ax", 11/14/97 
Florida Times-Union: "INTERNET: Confusing issues", 11/2/97 
Florida Times-Union: "Council hears complaints about Internet porn", 10/29/97 
Florida Times-Union: "Library computers used to access Internet sex sites",
Houston Chronicle: "Council studies drawing the line online at library",
Houston Chronicle: "Library to filter children's access to Internet",6/22/97 
Houston Chronicle: "Cyber porn issue isn't going away ", 6/27/97 
Houston Chronicle: "Libraries to restrict Internet access ", 7/3/97 
Kalamazoo Gazette: "Portage library to restrict Internet access", 9/2/97 
Knoxville News-Sentinel: Libraries defend right to uncensored Net 7/13/97 
LA Times: "Complaints Mount About Internet Filter Blocking", 3/18/97 
Lexington Herald-Leader "Family surfing beats Internet Censorship", 10/19/97 
Lexington Hearld: "Libraries need filters By Ninie O'Hara, 10/12/97 
NY Times: "Suburban County's Libraries Struggle Decency Law", 1/18/97 
NY Times: " A New Kind of Ban in Boston", 2/14/97 
NY Times: "Censoring Web Sites Poses Dilemma for Librarians", 3/9/97 
NY Times: A Library That Would Rather Block Than Offend", 1/18/97 
NY Times: "ACLU Attacks Filter Software in Libraries", 8/21/97 
Potomac News, "Porn has no place in Libraries", 9/30/97 
PBS NewsHour Transcript: "Libraries and Pornography", 8/7/97 
Raleigh News and Observer:"Libraries checking out filtering software" 8/5/97 
Richmond Times-Dispatch: "Library bans access to Internet porn", 10/22/97 
Richmond Times, "Library revises on-line policy", 11/15/97 
Sacramento Bee: "Libraries wrestle with keeping kids from porn ",3/20/97 
St. Petersburg Times: "Opinion: A sensible Internet policy", 11/18/97 
San Diego Union Tribune: "Libraries Caught in a Tangled Web", 5/15/97 
San Diego Daily Transcript: "Ban Urged On Kids' Access To Porn At Library",
SF Chronicle: "Online Smut in the Reading Room", 3/10/97 
SF Chronicle: "Internet Porn at Library Pushes Buttons in Gilroy", 6/10/97 
SF Chronicle: "San Jose Battle Over Library Online Porn Ban", 9/23/97 
SF Chronicle: "San Jose Upholds Library Access to Internet Porn", 9/24/97, 
San Jose Mercury: "Filters keep smut away from kids" by David Burt, 9/25/97 
San Jose Mercury: "Children in libraries must be protected",7/13/97 
St. Petersburg Times: "Library rejects Internet screening", 11/14/97 
St. Petersburg Times: "A sensible Internet policy", 11/18/97 
Salt Lake Tribune: "Sense or Censorship?",5/12/97 
Shawnee News-Star: "Librarian: Censorship not my job", 11/20/97 
Sonoma Press:"Protect children from porn" By Debra Martin, 6/8/97 
Tampa Bay Tribune: "Policy to police Internet access", 4/27/97 
USA Today: "Ohio to use Internet filters", 5/12/97 
USA Today: "Educators debate Internet access", 7/28/97 
USA Today: "Libraries grapple with Internet access questions", 7/28/97 
Washington Post: "Internet Use Is Restricted In Loudoun", 7/22/97 
Washington Post: "Civil Libertarians Watch New Internet Policy", 7/31/97 
Washington Post: "Library Board Hears Support For Web Filters", 11/01/97 
Washington Post: "Internet Curbed in Loudoun", 10/22/97 
Washington Post: "Limiting Access To the Information Highway", 11/09/97 
Washington Post: "Fairfax Library Panel Rejects Internet Limits", 11/13/97 
Wired: A Non-Decision in Filterware Debate", 10/26/97 
Wired News: "Library Blocks Porn, and May Block Rights", 1/3/97 
Wired News: "Ohio Bill Would Limit Libraries' Net Access", 4/16/97 
Wired News: "Libraries Struggle With Censorware Issue", 4/29/97 
Wired News: "Library Tries Critical Porn-Blocking Approach", 7/28/97 
Wired:"Virginia County Restricts Net Access in Libraries", 10/22/97 
Wired: "Silicon Valley Panel Says No to Filtering", 10/23/97 

David Burt, Filtering Facts, HTTP://WWW.FILTERINGFACTS.ORG
David_Burt at

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