Web Based Ill Forms...

Harry M. Kriz Harry_M_Kriz at vt.edu
Fri Aug 29 09:05:08 EDT 1997

Jan Kaminski wrote:

At 07:34 AM 8/27/97 -0700, you wrote:
>We are currently tweaking our ILL process, (request to finish), attempting
to eliminate a LOT of
>paper.  I have finished ill forms, no problem, yet I'd be interested in
finding out if anyone has
>ported the user's request directly into MS Access?? Or porting the formed
request into another
>DB device...

ILLiad, Virginia Tech's ILL borrowing system, captures user's input from a
Web form to a SQL Server database. We have eliminated all paper
record-keeping from the borrowing process and we do not key any data into
OCLC ILL workforms. All data on the workform, with the exception of the
OCLC symbols for possible lenders, are transferred programmatically from
the SQL Server database to the OCLC workform. The database includes the
customer's request as well as personal information about the customer.

--Harry Kriz
  Head, ILL

Harry_M_Kriz at vt.edu   540-231-7052   FAX:  540-231-3694
University Libraries
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech)
Blacksburg, VA   24061-0434     USA
"What joy to awake every morning in a world so filled with  things to learn."
                                                         - H. M. Kriz (1994)

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