FW: Letter to Brock Meeks: Another perspective on the filtering issue

Karen G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Sat Aug 23 10:32:05 EDT 1997

Regarding: "Karen Schneider posted the following letter to Brock Meeks on
Fight Censorship: " No, actually, I am not subscribed to fight-censorship;
I don't know how it got there, since no one posted it with my permission,
but I'm not upset.  Repost where you will.  I did try to post it to Web4Lib
yesterday, at the suggestion of someone who read it, but sent it to the
wrong address.  I need to nickname Web4Lib, because I continually muddle
its address with PubLib.  Combined with 24 hours of popmail problems, I
gave up on seeing if it was posted.

What I said in my intro to the reposting to Web4Lib was:

[This is a letter I sent out last night, and to which I received a very
nice reply from Mr. Meeks.  If I had to edit it, it would be to say that
Karen Hyman was probably the first person to use the phrase "tweaking"
filter software, which I read in a February issue of Library Journal.  I
did put up a draft report, by the way, which is still unlinked because it's
in work; see http://www.bluehighways.com/tifap/learn.html , and don't be
surprised if it changes in a week or two.]

I don't want to end up qualifying for my favorite 12-step group--On and On,
Anon.--so I'll shut up and go back to writing.  Thanks for the help with
the pdf problems.  


Karen G. Schneider | kgs at bluehighways.com | schneider.karen at epamail.epa.gov
Director, US EPA Region 2 Library | Contractor, GCI | Opinions home-grown
The Internet Filter Assessment Project: http://www.bluehighways.com/tifap/
Author, Forthcoming: A Practical Guide to Internet Filters (Neal Schuman,

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