Online Information Skills Tuition

Mike McConnell imsmm at MERKLAND.RGU.AC.UK
Fri Aug 22 11:30:22 EDT 1997

    < -- Apologies for cross-posting -- >

    I am currently involved in a project which seeks to integrate
    materials on the Internet with local open learning resources to
    provide an enhanced learning environment in the public library.

    Can anyone on the list can recommend open learning materials on
    the Internet suitable for supporting the teaching and learning
    of information skills (IS) by the independent learner in a
    public library environment? These should be generic and
    transferable information skills which will enable individuals to
    identify, acquire and analyse resources to support their

    I am particularly keen to learn of online tutorials, whether they
    cover generic or subject-specific IS. I am already familiar with
    the major information providers, projects and gateways such as
    Edulib, SOSIG, NISS, BIDS, etc, but am also interested in
    materials that teach individuals how to teach IS.

    Thanks in anticipation of your help,



Mike McConnell				m.mcconnell at
Research Assistant			Tel: (01224) 262 954
School of Information & Media		Fax: (01224) 262 969
Robert Gordon University
352 King Street
Aberdeen		Me:
AB24 5BN		Them:


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