Telnet for Netscape 4.0 standalone and/or 4.02?

Wilfred Drew drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU
Fri Aug 22 10:28:01 EDT 1997

It appears as though Netscape has given us another moving target as far
as telent.  The "old" trick of using a telnet.bat file no longer works. 
Anyone knw how to fix this?  I tried just selecting the term.exe at the
telnet program uinder the Preferences menu.  That didn't work either.

I want to use the stadalone Netscape 4.0 for our public terminals.  I
can't do that until I get telnet to work with QVTNet Term.
Wilfred Drew (Call me "Bill"); Associate Librarian (Systems, Reference)
SUNY College of Ag. & Tech.;   P.O. Box 902;  Morrisville, NY 13408-0902
E-mail: DREWWE at MORRISVILLE.EDU powwow:drewwe at
Phone: (315)684-6055 or 684-6060 Fax: (315)684-6115
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