Internet Assistant setup problem

evan.bailey at evan.bailey at
Fri Aug 15 18:24:36 EDT 1997

          Can anyboby help with a minor setup problem which is preventing us from 
installing MSWord Internet Assistant? 

The IA setup program says that it can't proceed because of insufficient memory or disk 
space. It says it requires 900k.
My equipment is IBM 386, 200Mb HD spare space, 4Mb RAM, which should be sufficient 
memory and/or HD space.   
Has anybody else come across this  problem? We are running Win 3.1 What is the solution?

	Evan the cybarian
Evan Bailey				Ph: (02) 924 45551  
A/Manager 				Fax: (02) 924 45555
Vocational Education & Training 
Information Service  (VETIS)
Level 13, No. 1 Oxford St
DARLINGHURST   NSW   2010		DTEC Email:  EvanB

Email:     evan.bailey at

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