Looking for a Speaker

Billie R. Peterson PETERSONB at baylor.edu
Wed Aug 6 19:39:25 EDT 1997

The RUSA/MOPSS Services to Adults Committee is planning a program for next 
year's ALA Summer conference that deals with library policies, issues,  
concerns, etc. revolving around adults (not children) using the Internet.  
We plan to have a panel of 3 speakers:  one for the legal/legislative 
perspective; one for the public library perspective, and one for the 
academic library perspective.  We have some leads for speakers for the 
legal and public library perspectives, but we've been having a harder 
time thinking of people who have dealt with and/or spoken on these issues 
as they relate to academic libraries.

If any of you are familiar with someone whom you believe would be 
knowledgeable in this area and a good speaker, I would appreciate it if 
you would send me your recommendations.  

Please send your recommendations to me, not the list; and thanks for any 
leads or ideas that you might send my way.

 _   _   _
| \ | \ | \     Billie Peterson		      Voice:  (254) 710-2344
|_/ |_/ |_/     Moody Memorial Library	        FAX:  (254) 752-5332
| \ |\  |       Baylor University          Internet:  petersonb at baylor.edu
|_/ | \ |       Waco, TX  76798-7143

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