Library Outsourcing Controls Costs Article
Clifford Urr
curr at
Mon Aug 4 07:04:18 EDT 1997
Today's Washington Post (8/4/97) has, in the business section, p. 10,
an article entitled, "Library Manager LSSI Adds a Calif. System to Its
Collection." LSSI stands for Library Services and Systems, a librray
outsource contractor that seems comprised of librarians and systems
types. The article is about their takeover and management of the
Riverside County public library system in California, and implies this
is the wave of the future for public libraries. What's especially
interesting is that the salaries for the library employees for the
county is the same with this contractor, library hours were increased,
and LSSI agreed to do $200,000.00 worth of improvements to the system.
They do it by streamlining admin functions and using various methods
of making operations more efficient.
A VP for this company is quoted as saying in the article, "with more
than 33,000 libraries nationwide, the library management marketplace
is a $10 billion industry with great possibilities" for library
outsourcers. Since he does not distinguish what types of libraries, I
wonder if other types are not far behind for outsourcing picking:
academic and corporate libraries (government libraries seem to be one
by one getting picked up the outsourcers.)
Cliff Urr, Senior Manager, Information Services, Aspen Systems
2277 Research Blvd. MS-2A
Rockville, MD 20850
curr at
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