Two questions

Michael Iorns m.iorns at
Mon Aug 4 09:17:22 EDT 1997

BBedit comes with a multiple search and replace function which can work
across a group of files, within subdirectories also. 
Sorry haven't url to point at it, but I believe I got mine (when I was
using a Mac) from info-mac archives. (in text editing tools area). It
is/was quite fast. I remember some minor complication of specifying the
target group of files, perhaps merely making sure to go to the relevant tab
in the search entry dialog.

At 17:55 1/08/97 -0700, "Sam A. Khosh-Khui 512/245-2288" <SK03 at>
>        1.  I am looking for a program to find and replace all 
>            occurrences of a given URL on all html files on our web 
>            server.  We have a Macintosh PowerPC.  Is there such a 
>            program available?
>        2.  I am looking for a Javascript to display a message for a 
>            given Username. Is there such a javascript available?
>        Thanks in Advance for your help.
>        Sam A. Khosh-khui (Sk03 at
>        Alber B. Alkek Library
>        Southwest Texas State University

               Michael Iorns|Private Bag 3105|iorns at 
        Computing Consultant|    Hamilton    |Ph(64)7 838-4466x6737 
  Waikato University Library|  New Zealand   |Fx  " " 838-4017

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