
Peter Konshak pkonshak at
Thu Apr 24 14:54:29 EDT 1997

At 11:41 AM 4/24/97 -0700, Ronnie Morgan <rmorgan at> wrote:

>I'm also a little curious about the freedom of speech and rights to access
>issues.  When you are in the privacy of your own home, is the libraries
>filter program activated on your home PC?  So, if it isn't activated, then
>can you access anything on the internet, from your home?  So, if you can
>access anything you want, from your home, is your right to access affected?
> Okay, so, if you are able to access everything on the net, from your home,
>is the freedom of speech of the people providing the questionable material
>being stomped on?  Then why get all worked up about a library installing a
>filter program?  Just stay home.

Not everyone has a home computer with Internet access (including myself).  I
suspect the majority of the patrons using our Internet access don't have a
home computer, or if they do, it can't support a graphical browser.  Or
maybe they can't afford an online service.  


Peter Konshak				pkonshak at
Computer Technology Coordinator		
Carmel Clay Public Library    

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