buttons programs or pages

William J. Frost fros at planetx.bloomu.edu
Thu Apr 17 22:07:27 EDT 1997

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, Mark H. Witteman wrote:

> To all:
> I am trying to advise some folks within our library who want an
> easy way to create or somehow acquire web page buttons.  Is there
> any small freeware or shareware designed specifically to this 
> task?  Or would we be better of just using a standard graphics
> application like PaintShop Pro?  
> --Mark
> -- 
> ~~~  Mark H. Witteman, MLS, Systems Programmer  ~~~~     __o       __o  
> ~~~  Rutgers University Libraries               ~~~~   _`\<;     _`\<;  
> ~~~  Technical Services Building                ~~~~  (*)/(*)   (*)/(*) 
> ~~~  Piscataway, NJ  08855-1350                 ~~~~     __o       __o  
> ~~~  908-445-5896    fax 908-445-5888           ~~~~   _`\<;     _`\<;  
> ~~~  http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~witteman       ~~~~  (*)/(*)   (*)/(*) 


There's a lot of free stuf out there, depending on the type of graphic you
need.  One site is the Icon Bazaar at http://www.iconbazaar.com/.

	Bill Frost                       Harvey A. Andruss Library              
	Reference Librarian              Bloomsburg University
	717-389-4126                     Bloomsburg, PA  17815
	fros at bloomu.edu                  Fax 717-389-3895	
	http://acwww.bloomu.edu/~fros/   Listowner CAPi-L

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