Providing patron access to Usenet newsgroups

Edward Spodick, HKUST Library, 2358-6743 lbspodic at
Sun Apr 13 22:02:28 EDT 1997

Here at HKUST Library, we are trying to find the best way to provide patron
access to individual usenet newsgroups (especially the ClariNet groups,
which our University subscribes to).  I have been playing with URLs like and*  but these seem
only to work if the individual user's browser considers the groups targeted
by this request to be subscribed to by the user.

We are looking for a more effective solution, both for our in-Library PCs
and for our on-campus users.  I would welcome suggestions - what do you do
at your site to provide such access in a functional and easy-to-use manner?

-Edward Spodick, Systems Librarian

- - - - -
Edward F Spodick, Systems Librarian - lbspodic at or
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library
tel:  852-2358-6743    fax:  852-2358-1043

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